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70 Years Of Musical Theatre

Let's Start At The Very Beginning...
Rainhill Musical Theatre Company (RMTC) is a reinvention of Rainhill Amateur Operatic Society which started in 1951 and underwent the 'rebrand' in the late 1990's.
Through that time we have never lost our vision and principals:
Showcase local talent
Bring high-quality theatre to local people
Innovate and learn with every production
Give to the community as much as we can
Have a laugh
We've had more members than we can count, some stay for one show, some for a few, some have stayed for years! But that's part of our ethos too, everyone is welcome to give it a go!
If you want to learn more about the company and what we have achieved, tap the buttons below.
We are in the process of updating our site, not all the links work yet, but we are compiling the information. check back soon to learn more.
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